One of my favorite things to photograph is in home lifestyle newborn sessions! Everything about a little baby is a miracle. Being able to get pregnant, growing a baby, and delivering a healthy baby are all miracles. When Ariel Taylor contacted me about capturing her newborn I was so flattered. Ariel is a Bay Area mom boss and started her own maternity clothing line. She also makes the cutest babies making my job very easy.

When we planned the newborn photo session picked to do it on what we thought would have been a sunny day. However, that is definitely not what we got. When the weather that day was overcast and dark we hoped to reschedule the photoshoot, but the Taylor’s were going out of town that weekend and we had no other choice but to make it work. I normally love to shoot with natural light because it has a softer, more natural look in the photos, instead for this shoot we substituted the lack of light with some flashes.

When I got there I was immediately greeted by Ariel’s 3 year old daughter, Gemma. She was a little shy so to help her feel more comfortable, I had her Dad read a book to her on the couch and then had her twirl around the living room to capture some fun real life moments. When baby Luca was brought out, Gemma immediately ran up to him and started giving him hugs. The session then became all about Gemma loving and taking care of baby Luca.

I had so much fun with the Taylors and I’m thrilled with how the photos turned out. Thank you Ariel for choosing me to be the one you trusted with these memories.