Weddings can be such an amazing adventure. Jamie and Ben’s wedding was truly magical. My favorite part about working with Jamie and Ben what is that they were unapologetically themselves and so unique the entire time we did photos. I felt like because they were so genuine we developed a good friendship and had some great times together through the laughter of engagements to the raw emotions of their wedding day.

I love how the wedding day wasn’t as traditional. During the ceremony they gave each of their children a token of their love and had it engraved for each child. It was beautiful to see these separate families come together and become one.

One of the most memorable moments of their wedding day for me was listening to their full wedding story. This was both Ben and Jamie’s Second marriage so they didn’t do all of the traditional Things on their wedding day. They had a beautiful ceremony followed by a receiving line and then instead of the reception they had an amazing dinner. At the dinner that night with their close family and friends they told the full Story of how they met. I had heard a portion of their store before but at this dinner I learned they had met in high school through Ben’s sister. They both had an eye for each other, but neither of them made a move. They reconnected years later multiple times and it was just never the right time for them to be together. But finally years later they made it back to each other and are happily married. Seeing how much they love each other I knew that their journey and everything they went to through together was what they needed to be ready for each other.

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